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What kind of a Frankenstein word is that?  Words are my livelihood.  So why was I surprised by this one?

Sewist?  What kind of a Frankenstein word is that?  Words are my livelihood.  So why was I surprised by this one? What's your opinion?

Once I was aware of Sewist, the word seemed to be everywhere.  It’s a popular term in sewing magazines and with bloggers.

I’ve been sewing for almost fifty years (yes, that’s 5-0!)  and I’ve seen a lot of improvement in home sewing over time.  Could it be time for new designations for people who sew?


I wanted to know where sewist had come from and I started an investigation into its roots.  The beginnings of the popular use of the word ‘sewist’ seems to stem from just after the turn of this century.

In hunting for the word and its earliest references online, the most reliable sources were no earlier than 2004.  And it was common enough that people in forums began questioning its validity by 2006.  Janome has a machine called Sewist.   I’m still digging to find an origin.


Let me digress a moment.  The word kept bringing a picture of John Wayne into my head, because of the movie, “Shootist”.  For kicks I looked up the meaning and etymology of ‘Shootist’ which it turns out is a real word from the mid 1800’s.


Shootist /noun

  1. a marksman with a pistol or rifle.
  2. a gunfighter, as in the Old West.

I also discovered some interesting things.  I learned that in the 1800’s the authentically used words to describe hired guns were shootist, pistoleer, gunfighter and badman.  It wasn’t until the 1870’s that the word ‘gunman’ first appeared in print.  What is really strange is that the word ‘gunslinger’ didn’t appear till the mid 1920’s and it was in … a movie!  It’s a made-up word to suit the silver screen and it’s just barely a hundred years old.

Syende fiskerpige

But back to sewist.

Admittedly, sewist isn’t in the dictionary yet.  But when did that ever stop anyone from using a word?  If humongous (which my spell check actually recognizes) can become a legitimate word, sewist is a shoe-in for real word status.  English, unlike some languages, is still evolving.


In sewing forums emotions run high about this word.   There is a sea of comments online concerning people’s feelings about this word and they run very hot and very cold. One woman described hearing the word sewist as the equivalent of a muffler falling off a car onto cement!

So what do people who sew wish to be called?  (Don’t forget to leave your preference in the comments section!)


The most commonplace titles for one who sews casually are seamstress and sewer.  These both have difficulties though.

A seamstress is thought of as a woman who makes a living sewing.  It is from the early 1600’s and one forgotten variation of it is sempstress.  So this term wouldn’t be me, I’m not a pro, just a fan.


The word sewer (so-er) has unfortunate visual problems because here in the US we call the pipes underground that carry away waste a sewer (soo-er) also.  Someone suggested using a hyphen for sew-er to try to save the word and clear up the visual misunderstandings.

There is also a small subset of folks that have begun adding an ‘a’ to sewist. Sewista.  Cute-ish, certainly, but maybe a bit too cute for me.

machine art

There are also the very specific titles of tailor and dressmaker too. And hey, While we’re talking about titles, what about the long lost ‘seamster’  — short for ‘seams master’? 

It is the male equivalent to seamstress (seams mistress).  It is so far out of the vernacular that my spell check doesn’t even know it.  In fact different dictionaries will give you varying definitions.  We’ve forgotten more than we’ll ever know.


My daughter, Angel, of, told me her take is that sewist is a term for hobbyists who sew.  Wikipedia claims that: “Sewist is a relatively new term, combining the words “sew” and “artist”, to describe someone who creates sewn works of art, which can include clothing or other items made with sewn elements.”


I like the fact that it is an all-inclusive word.  It takes in seasoned sew-ers ( 🙂 ) and newbies alike.  And of course the convenient PC fact that it takes in both genders. I like that too.

I think one should describe oneself in reasonably accurate, but comfortable terms.  So I’ll just go ahead and choose one or all of these sewing titles as needed.  Perhaps there is space in my head and heart for new words and a new way of looking at myself.


 For me I’ve come down on the warm and fuzzy side of liking this word, sewist. Personally, I think it feels artsy, free-style, pleasurable and yet precise.  And hey, sewing can and should be all those things.  Please feel free to comment below on which title you personally prefer!

 Move over John Wayne, the Sewist is in town.


Sewist references/ artwork thanks:

Pattern Review

Threads magazine

The Graphics Fairy


  1. Cyn July 24, 2014 at 6:29 AM

    I prefer Needle Artist! Mostly because if it’s done with a needle and thread, I’m either fairly good at it, or I’m learning it! When sewing, I use both a sewing machine and a serger, so…”sergist”?? uh, no. Embroiderer, costumer, seamster, it’s all Needle Arts.

  2. Rachelle P. Smith July 25, 2014 at 11:03 PM

    I call myself a seamstress. I do sew for a living, so I feel that’s appropriate for me. I do like the word sewist, but for the same reasons you mentioned I really dislike the word sewer.

  3. Cat Brennan July 30, 2014 at 6:57 PM

    I have been sewing since I was 11. I’m a young-at-heart 66 now. I a, a seamstress. I create, design and sew (for family, fun and for money), with the aid of hand stitching a work-horse old Pfaff 1222E, an embroidery machine and a serger. I do not like that new word sewist; it makes me want to scream the lowest .. I do not like to change my word, I am a seamstress – to be heard. (forgive me my blatant abuse, Dear Doctor Seuss).

    1. Laura_Hickman July 31, 2014 at 7:45 AM

      Dear Cat,
      You are very clever.
      May you be a seamstress –ever!

      (Loved your comment!!!)

  4. Ruth July 30, 2014 at 8:31 PM

    Frankly, I’m a “seamstress”, I make, or more often, repair, clothing. I love to sew other projects, purses, household goods, etc, to feed the rest of my creative, artistic side. I really hate the word sewist because it just doesn’t sound right to me. It doesn’t really describe what sewing is to me, the act of creation with fabric and needle.

  5. sewbusy August 5, 2014 at 9:49 AM

    SEWIST all the way!!! I sew more craft and quilts than clothes and I am not a sewer 🙂

  6. MaryAnn October 27, 2014 at 8:10 PM

    Textile artist. There is no greater satisfaction than taking a two dimensional piece of fabric and creating a three dimensional garment or cutting large pieces of fabric into little pieces and sewing them into a large piece and having a quilt to show for it when you’re done!!

    1. Laura_Hickman October 27, 2014 at 8:12 PM

      Absolutely charming answer. Thank you for sharing.

  7. IRENE MORGAN August 1, 2015 at 10:34 PM

    I dislike the word sewer, kinda think of when kids are mean and say “err” as they put their hand at chest.

    Ive been sewing since I could help mom put the thread in the needle.
    She’s alive and well.Beautiful memories of her making my Sunday dresses as she’d give me the sscraps to make my doll dresses.
    I do make and sell different items from knitting,sewing,crochet… More.
    I love needle crafts I think all crafts for that matter.
    I feel the words “Seamstresse” brings respect and carries more weight.
    I don’t mind and I do like sewist, and sewista reminds me of barrista as in coffee barrista ~ if that’s an art then more so -Sewing <3
    I do hope you understand my writing… Lol I don't see myself as a writer.
    Though I've written poetry and have a few awards. <3
    Love for Art
    Hi all I'm a mommy of six,married and WAHM (work at home mom) and sewista' 😉

    1. Laura_Hickman August 4, 2015 at 8:58 AM

      Hi Irene, I enjoyed reading your response, thanks for joining the discussion and welcome!

  8. Anna July 20, 2017 at 5:33 AM

    Seamstress, no matter what I am sewing garment, costumes, quilts, crafts. I am a Woman, I sew, I make Art…I am a Seamstess <3

    1. Tim April 29, 2020 at 10:58 AM

      Anyone setting out to use a sewing machine with competent proficiency must first master the techniques and tasks associated with that “machine”. While a seamstress, tailor, upholsterer, clothing designer are all professional trades that require the skills of Sewing Machine use, it would logically follow that a person that has acquired Sewing Machine proficiency would be qualified as a “Sewing Machinist” even if that person is a hobbyist and has never been paid for those skills.

      1. Laura Hickman April 29, 2020 at 11:04 AM

        Thanks Tim, for this illuminating thought on a different title.

  9. Pingback: The Truth About Pattern Copyright ~ Creating & Baking Outside the Box

  10. Marlene November 19, 2023 at 9:38 AM

    I was searching the word sewer and did not like the definition of plumbing pipes oozing excrement so I’m going with sewist as of today. Let’s make Miriam Webster put it in the dictionary. None of the other versions of the word apply to me either. I’m expert at nothing but a dabbler in everything. This post helped me so much in choosing the correct word.

    1. Laura November 30, 2023 at 11:43 AM

      What a great idea. I wonder how to lobby for a word to be added to the dictionary? It would be a great addition.

  11. Mary November 27, 2023 at 11:23 AM

    I really like words. The use of words does evolve over time, but some of the original connotations often hang around even if the word is rebranded. Seamstress is pretty broad term for a woman who sews, but has traditionally been applied to non-skilled (or less skilled labor) who might work for a specialist of some sort, such as a dressmaker. Some job sites currently list seamstress as more highly skilled than a tailor which is a reverse of the traditional. Not opposed to the term, but not excited by it either. I am self taught and currently offer a variety of sewing services in my area – everything from minor alterations to clothing design, including home dec & quilts. Almost any of the sewing specialties could be used in my title.
    I hate the word sew-er as it is exactly the same as sewer and no self respecting professional or amateur wants to be associated with crappy work!
    I do like the term sewist for exactly the reason you cited. I think of john wayne and the shootist. Specifically, in this context “ist” as a suffix on a word often denotes someone who is skilled or expert at that thing.

    1. Laura November 30, 2023 at 11:41 AM

      Thanks for your thoughtful comment.

  12. Vick April 14, 2024 at 12:47 AM

    Because I also do embroidery, I use “thread artist.” Although I also like sewist. Except when my machine is acting up, at which time it feels like sewer is where it should go.

  13. Renea Thacker May 25, 2024 at 4:08 PM

    I got sew (so) tickled reading your blog. l too have been sewing for 50 plus years and feel the new word sewist is odd! As a professional drapery/window treatments maker I always just say I do custom sewing when someone asks my title.

  14. Soleil August 1, 2024 at 12:05 PM

    I was against the word sewist before reading your post but by the end came to like it quite a bit more.
    You presented the case well 😂 and I loved the the bit of history you added in.
    I think the gender-neutral, all-inclusive approach to the word sewist feels more natural and appropriate… like you I’m not a professional but definitely a fan.

    Great post.

  15. Sharon Weiss February 2, 2025 at 10:42 AM

    An interesting read! I have been sewing for 50+years, mostly bags, totes, pouches, hot pads- things like that. I have been dabbling in quilting but not on a major scale. I sell to friends just to recoup $, give many things away. I like the term sewist, primarily because I don’t think anything else applies to me. I want to create a “business card” with my contact info on it, just simple and non-professional. This term, in my opinion, encompasses the hobbyist as well. And Sewist still does not appear in the MW dictionary……..


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